Floodgates Foundation

FAQ and Links
Who We Are
About Prayer Valley
Sons of Joshua
FAQ and Links

This page will have answers to common questions as well as links to associations to provide additional information on financial services.

Ask us

Q: Can I receive support?

A: Yes, provided that you are a confirmed "mighty warrior" of God
Q: Who is a mighty warrior?

A: He is someone with the following characteristics:
  1. He is a mature, born-again Christian (he has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior),
  2. He is engaged in an innovative, evangelistic or discipleship activity in direct fulfillment of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, and
  3. He is recommended by at least two credible Christian leaders that he is indeed a "mighty warrior" of God and not just an ordinary, routine, "pensionado" church worker.
Q: Who is a confirmed member of the Army of the Providers?

A: A confirmed provider has the following characteristics:
  1. He has capacity to give - God will prosper him in business or profession, and
  2. He has the attitude to give - he feels the inexplicable joy of giving; he believes it is a privilege to give to God; thus, he is a cheerful giver. 
Q: Who is a "Son of Joshua"?

A: A "Son of Joshua" is a born-again Christian gifted in three abilities:
  1. He performs the prophetic ministry of preaching boldly about the Kingdom of God,
  2. He performs the priestly ministry of praying for others in the power of the Holy Spirit, and
  3. He performs the princely ministry of providing generously to the needs of the saints.

Helpful Links

Links to other organizations:

Old Balara Christian Community

Links to trade publications:

Called to Excel

Creating Righteous Wealth

Would you like more information?

Friends and clients may contact us through the addresses below:




Or you can get in touch with us at the following address and phone number:



Floodgates Foundation Inc.

255 Naranja, Villa Verde, Nova., QC 1123


Landline no.:



Thank you for visiting!

"Store up treasures in heaven"