Ask us
Q: Can I receive support?
A: Yes, provided that you are a confirmed "mighty warrior" of God
Q: Who is a mighty warrior?
A: He is someone with the following characteristics:
- He is a mature, born-again Christian (he has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior),
- He is engaged in an innovative, evangelistic or discipleship activity in direct fulfillment of the Great Commission
of the Lord Jesus Christ, and
- He is recommended by at least two credible Christian leaders that he is indeed a "mighty warrior" of God and not just
an ordinary, routine, "pensionado" church worker.
Q: Who is a confirmed member of the Army of the Providers?
A: A confirmed provider has the following characteristics:
- He has capacity to give - God will prosper him in business or profession, and
- He has the attitude to give - he feels the inexplicable joy of giving; he believes it is a privilege
to give to God; thus, he is a cheerful giver.
Q: Who is a "Son of Joshua"?
A: A "Son of Joshua" is a born-again Christian gifted in three abilities:
- He performs the prophetic ministry of preaching boldly about the Kingdom of God,
- He performs the priestly ministry of praying for others in the power of the Holy Spirit, and
- He performs the princely ministry of providing generously to the needs of the saints.